martes, 14 de mayo de 2019

3er Trimestre. TIGER 6


Waterproof jacket (chubasquero): It's a thing you use to be dry when it's raining 

blanket (manta): It's big and flat, you put it on your bed  when it's cold.

sleeping bag (saco de dormir): When you go camping it's your bed, you sleep in it to be warm.

tent (tienda): when you go camping it's your house, you live in it.

torch (linterna) : It's a thing you use to see when it's dark 

first aid kit (botiquín):  It's has many things you need when you have a cut or  you are sick.

towel (toalla): you use it after a shower or after swimming

toothbrush and toothpaste(cepillo y pasta de dientes): you use it when you cleran your teeth. 

penknife (navaja): you use it to cut many different things 

map and compass (mapa y brújula): you use to find the way where you go 




El futuro próximo se forma :

Sujeto + Verbo to be (conjugado)+ going to +  Verbo principal. 

 (+) Afirmmative:

I´m going to sleep / He's going to swim in the pool.

(-) Negative:
I´m not going to…….(write a book)
You / We/ They aren´t going to……(write a book)
He/She/It isn´t going to……(write a book)

(?) Question

Are you going computer games in the morning? Yes, I am./ No, I am not.

 Is he going to swim in the pool? Yes, he is  / No, he isn't


Interesting WEBS to PLAY GAMES online:

3er Trimestre Tiger 4



collecting stickers: coleccionar pegatinas
going to museums: ir a museos
painting pictures: pintar dibujos
using the computer: usar el ordenador
dancing: bailar
shopping: ir de compras
playing frisbee : jugar al frisbee
playing board games: jugar a juegos de mesa
playing golf: jugar al golf
taking photos: hacer fotos
doing exercises: hacer ejercicio
skipping: saltar a la comba
playing cards: jugar a las cartas
talking to friends: charlas con amigos
playing football
playing basketball
playing tennis
playing computer games
rollerskating: patinar
skateboarding: montar en monopatín
playing the violin
playing the drums
playing the piano
playing the recorder
reading comics
riding a horse: Montar a caballo
riding a bike: montar en bici

in the morning: por la mañana
in the afternoon: por la tarde
in the evening: al anochecer

at night: por la noche 
in my free time: en mi tiempo libre


Para expresar si nos gusta realizar una actividad se usa el verbo gustar(like) en presente simple seguido de un verbo terminado en -ing. Ej. I like skipping/ You like dancing and using the computer. 
REMEMBER!!!!!!!! He / She likes playing football.

Present Simple 
Sujeto + like/likes+ Verbo terminado en ing
I like shopping
You like playing cards
He,She,It likes rollerskating (a la 3º p.s. se le añade s).
We like playing the piano
You like taking photos
They like playing golf

Sujeto+don't/doesn't+like+Verbo terminado en ing

I don't like shopping
You don't like playing cards
He, she, It doesn't like rollerskating(con la 3º usa doesn't y no se añade la s a like)
We don't like playing the piano
you don't like taking photos
They don't like playing golf

Do/Does+sujeto+like+Verbo terminado en ing?
Do you like shopping? 
Does he,she,it like rollerskating?(con la 3º usa does y no se añade la s cuando va interrogativo)
Do you like taking photos?
Do they like playing golf?
Short Answers
1º p. Yes,I /we do                / No, I/we don't
3º p. Yes, he/she/it does      / No, he/she/it doesn't

SONG: Click here

-Game 1
-Game 2


Important worksheet!!!: click here

1-    Answer the questions
About you (yes I do / No, I don’t)
Do you like collecting stickers?
Do you like using the computer?
Do you like talking to friends?
About your partner (Yes he/she does  -  No, he/she doesn’t)
Does he/she like going to museums?
Does he/she like dancing?
Does he/she like rollerskating?
2-    Turn into negative form (like--don’t like/likes--doesn’t like)
I like taking photos
I like shopping
I like painting pictures
My friend likes playing football
Joseph Merlin likes inventing things
Mrs. Comely likes dancing

3-Translate the sentencesMe gusta tocar el violín pero no me gusta  jugar al golf.
A ella le gusta montar en bici pero no le gusta jugar al fútbol.
A mi me gusta hacer fotos y jugar al frisbee por la tarde.
A él le gusta  hacer ejercicio y jugar a juegos de mesa al anochecer.
¿Te gusta charlas con amigos? Si.
¿Le gusta a él jugar a las cartas? No. 

3er Trimestre TIGER 2



Tag: pilla-pilla
Computer game: consola
Basketball: baloncesto
Football: fútbol
Board game: juego de mesa
Hide and seek: escondite
Hopscotch: rayuela
Cards: cartas

Canteen: comedor
Library: biblioteca
Classroom: clase
Playground: patio
Gym: gimnasio
Corridor: pasillo


I want to…= Yo quiero... Ex: I want to play computer games.
Do you want to play…..?   ¿Quieres jugar a....?
I/ You can...= Yo/Tú puedes...    Ex: I can play basketball in the gym.
I/ You can´t…= Yo/ Tú no puedes...     Ex: I can´t play hide and seek in the library.

Sentences. Examples

Do you want to play hide and seek? ¿Quieres jugar al escondite?
I want to play tag: Yo quiero jugar al pilla-pilla

You can’t play basketball in the classroom: No puedes jugar al baloncesto en la clase
I can play board games in the classroom: Yo puedo jugar a juegos de mesa en la clase.

Song: Click here
It’s the break,
it’s time to play.
What do you want to play today?
I want to play  and , too.
I want to play with you.
I want to play a  and a .
I want to play with you.
It’s the break,
it’s time to play.
What do you want to play today?
Let’s play !
Yes, let’s play !


lunes, 25 de febrero de 2019


Vocabulary (p. 24)                  
coconuts: cocos              

They grow on trees. 
They've got liquid inside.
They're brown and hard.

citrus fruit: frutos cítricos.
They are orange, yellow or green. They've got lots of vitamin C.

coffee: café                        
It's a dark brown drink.

salt: sal                               
It adds flavour to food.
You have it  on the table.

sugar: azúcar                     
It's sweet, you add it to tea or coffee.

honey: miel                        
It's sweet, it comes from bees.

olives: aceitunas               
They grow on trees, they are black  or green.

beans: judías                     
They are red or white, they're healthy.

rice: arroz                          
It's an ingredient of paella. It's a type of cereal. 

species : especias           

They add different flavours to food.  They're tasty.

Does Jamaica produce coconuts?

 - Yes, I think so  
 - I'm not really sure  
 - No, I don't think so

Does you country produce olives?

Does Spain produce beans?

Jamaica is an island nation located in the Caribbean. 
In 2012 the population of Jamaica was estimated to be around 2.9 million.

The capital and largest city in Jamaica is Kingston.

Jamaica was claimed by Spain after Christopher Columbus landed there in 1494. It then came under English rule in 1655 before gaining independence in 1962.

The longest mountain range in Jamaica is called the Blue Mountains. Blue Mountain Peak is the highest point on the island at 2256 metres (7402 feet).

Jamaica has a tropical climate with high temperatures and humid weather.

Jamaica is prone to damage caused by hurricanes.

Jamaica has 8 native snake species, but relax, none of them are venomous.

In Jamaica they drive on the left-hand side of the road.

The currency is the Jamaican dollar.

Jamaica exports agricultural products such as bananas, coffee and sugar.

Languages spoken in Jamaica include Jamaican Patois and Jamaican English.

Jamaican coconut cake. Vocabulary (p. 25)

recipe: receta
grow: crecer
warm tropical climate: clima tropical templado
butter: mantequilla
brown sugar: azúcar moreno
tablespoon: cucharada grande
teaspoon: cucharadita pequeña
baking powder: levadura
grated dark chocolate: chocolate negro derretido
first of all: lo primero
last of all: por último
bowl: cuenco
mix: mezclar
mixture: masa, mexcla
smooth: batido, mezclado
add: añadir
one at a time: uno a uno
flour: harina
greased baking tin: bandeja de horno engrasada
bake: hornear
oven: horno
pour: echar, derramar
serve: servir

The hurricane and the coconut tree. Vocabulary(p. 26)

hurricane: huracán
moving towards: moviéndse hacia
force five: de fuerza cinco
safe: seguro
path: camino
picks up: llevar, arrancar
drop: echar, derramar
storm: tormenta
devast: devastar
sadly: desgraciadamente






Hay naranjas
Hay mantequilla
No hay leche
No hay manzanas
¿Hay cocos? Si, hay
¿Hay azúcar? No hay
Hay un huevo
Hay un paquete de harina
Hay tres botellas de agua

Complete with a/an, some, any 

There is ............coconut
There are......................oranges
There are .....................packets o flour
There isn't....................rice
There aren't..................lemons
Is Yes, there is
Are there ..............eggs? No, there aren't